Data protection

Protection & Security from the company's perspective

What’s the difference between data protection and information security?

Whereas data protection focuses on protecting personal data, information security is based on protecting information, data, and systems. To do this, information security involves analyzing business processes and information dependencies to identify potential risks, and then implementing appropriate and cost-effective countermeasures to minimize those risks.

Data protection

Data protection is primarily about protecting the privacy of individuals. Data protection therefore guarantees every citizen the right to determine how their personal data is used - people are thus protected from the misuse of their data - for example, for processing in companies. There are clear rules for the processing of personal data. These are mainly regulated in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) or the data protection laws of the federal states. These regulations determine whether personal data may be processed at all.

Information security

Information security is based on protecting information, data, and systems, without differentiating whether they contain personal data or not. This also includes secret information and all digital and physical data.

Ensuring data security entails mitigating security risks and safeguarding data against manipulation, loss, and unauthorized access. The focus is not on whether data can be collected and processed but on what measures should be implemented to secure the data. To comply with § 9 BDSG, data security should be guaranteed by adopting suitable technical and organizational measures within the data protection framework.

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